Social Baluni Public School, Dehradun
Holiday Home-work (2021)
Holiday homework of Classes IX & X
Students have to prepare an art integrated project by following all the instructions from:
For this project, students have to prepare a project file (content of the file can be similar as suggested in and a five minutes video summarising the following points;
- Title of the project (You can choose any topic of your choice)
- Short introduction of you self (Name, school, class and section)
- What is the project about? (Explain the objectives of the project, its uses and working)
- How to make the project? (Materials used to make it and step by step description of how you went about making the project)
- Salient Features (Important features of the project -principle it's based on etc)
- Additional facts, if any
Holiday homework of class XI
I. Preparation of investigatory project (to be evaluated for 5 Marks, as part of Practical)
Students have to prepare an investigatory project by following all the instructions from:
For this project, students have to prepare a project file and model/exhibits if available by accessing the online resources from;
Students should prepare a five minutes video summarising the following points;
- Title of the project (You can choose any topic of your choice)
- Short introduction of you (Name, school, class and section).
- What is the project about? (Explain the objectives of the project, its uses and working)
- How to make the project? (Materials used to make it and step by step description of how you went about making the project)
- Salient Features (Important features of the project -principle it's based on etc)
- Additional facts, if any
II. Assignment based learning:
This is a self-study based assignment. It should be studied by reading content thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering the questions set by yourself.
Learners should try to understand the general concept(s) based chapters as listed below:
Chapter 8 : Cell: The Unit of Life
Chapter 9: Biomolecules
Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Holiday homework of class XII
I. Preparation of investigatory project (to be evaluated for 5 Marks, as part of Practical))
Students have to prepare an investigatory project by following all the instructions from:
For this project, students have to prepare a project file and model/exhibits if available by accessing the online resources from;
It is appreciated if students could prepare a five minutes video summarising the following points;
- Title of the project (You can choose any topic of your choice)
- Short introduction of you (Name, school, class and section).
- What is the project about? (Explain the objectives of the project, its uses and working)
- How to make the project? (Materials used to make it and step by step description of how you went about making the project)
- Salient Features (Important features of the project -principle it's based on etc)
- Additional facts, if any
II. Assignment based learning:
This is a self-study based assignment. It should be studied by reading content thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering the questions set by yourself.
Learners must read, compare the content with teachers note ( and should try to understand the general concept(s) based chapters as listed below:
Chapter 8 Human health & disease
Chapter 13: Organisms & populations
Chapter 15: Biodiversity and conservation
Social Baluni Public School, Dehradun
Holiday Home-work (2019)
Prepared by Mr.
Lhakpa Wangyal
Class VIII
Learn (or
observe) to prepare delicacies using baker’s yeast (like idli, bun, bread,
cake, etc) with the help and support from your parents.
Watch videos of
preparing bread using baker’s yeast from ‘Youtube’
Read the labels
of different containers of pickle, jam, peanut butter, packaged milk, and juice
manufactured by different companies.
Study the taught
chapters by reading class notes, questions and answer in addition of reading
textbook. Framing and answering questions related to the chapter is
Practice all the
agricultural practices undertaken by farmers by planting a pot plant (optional)
Observe all the
activities in farming and animal husbandry (Optional).
Class IX
Practice well labeled
diagrams of the following;
Prokaryotic cell
Plant cell,
Animal cell
Structures of
all the cell organelles
L.S and T.S of parenchyma,
collenchymas, sclerenchyma, xylem, and phloem.
All types of
muscle tissue
All types of
epithelial tissue
Study the taught
chapters by reading class notes, questions and answer in addition of reading
textbook. Framing and answering
questions related to the chapter is appreciated.
Class X
Practice well labeled
diagrams of the following;
Digestion in
Human digestive
respiratory system
Human heart
Exchange of
respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) in human.
Human excretory
Human nephron
Study the taught
chapters by reading class notes, questions and answer in addition of reading
textbook. Framing and answering questions related to the chapter is appreciated.
Class XI
3. Study the taught lessons
Date: March 6, 2018
@ Assignment for the first term
ü Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation
ü Chapter-16: Environmental Issues
Should do self study on these chapters by reading thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering these.
There will be test of these two chapters on June 12, 2018 (Tuesday)
Date: May 20, 2017
ASSIGNMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (In due of many holidays and inability carry regular teaching due to distribution of Summative Assessment I papers and its accessory works)
For class XII students;
Every students have to read the Chapter 7: Evolution, and should try to understand after discussing with friends and consulting teachers. It is mandatory to write down a short note of the chapter in your own word.
For class XI students;
Every students have to read the Chapter 9: Biomolecule, and should try to understand after discussing with friends and consulting teachers. It is mandatory to write down a short note of the chapter in your own word.
Date: May 20, 2017

For class XII students;
- Compulsory:
Should do self study on the following chapters by reading thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering these.
Chapter 15: Biodiversity and conservation
Chapter 16: Environmental Issues
***Assessment on these two chapters: Test in the last week of August, 2017 (Biology teacher will decide)
- Optional self study chapters:
Read Chapters 13 and 14 (Organisms and Populations and Ecosystem respectively)
For class XI students;
- Compulsory:
Have to self study on the following chapters by reading thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering them.
UNIT 2 : Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
(Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals)
***Assessment on the unit: Test in the last week of August, 2017 (Biology teacher will decide)
- Optional self study chapter:
Chapter 8 : Cell : The Unit of Life
Date: August 1, 2016
ASSIGNMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (In due of many holidays and inability carry regular teaching due to distribution of Summative Assessment I papers and its accessory works)
For class XII students;
Every students have to read the Chapter 7: Evolution, and should try to understand after discussing with friends and consulting teachers. It is mandatory to write down a short note of the chapter in your own word.
For class XI students;
Every students have to read the Chapter 9: Biomolecule, and should try to understand after discussing with friends and consulting teachers. It is mandatory to write down a short note of the chapter in your own word.
Date: May 25, 2016
For class XII students;
- Compulsory:
Have to self study on the following chapters by reading thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering them
Chapter 15: Biodiversity and conservation
Chapter 16: Environmental Issues
- Optional self study chapters:
Read Chapters 13 and 14 (Organisms and Populations and Ecosystem respectively)
For class XI students;
- Compulsory:
Have to self study on the following chapters by reading thoroughly, making notes, framing questions and answering them.
Chapter 10 : Cell Cycle and Cell Division
- Optional self study chapter:
Chapter 8 : Cell : The Unit of Life